miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2009



The past simple is used for an action that was done with frrecuencia in the past.
construct the sentence like this:
last person + verb + complement
axuliar (did) + person + verb + complement + this?
yes / no axuliar person + + (did) or (did´nt)
lina walked through the park with julian
did lina walk with Julian for the park?
yes, she did
no, she did not

Clary loved to daniel?
did clary love to daniel?
yes, she did
no, she didn´t

paula ate a hamburger with frients
did paula eat a hamburger with friends?
yes, she did
no, she did not


The past progressive refers to how past tense of the verb to be which was divided into thirds for the people and the latter were to:
i was
you were
he was
she was
it was
we were
you were
they were
juanita was singing in the school
was juanita singing in the school?
yes , she was no, she was´nt

they were playing basketball in the park
were they playing basketball in the park?
yes, they were
no, they werent

we were sleeping in my house
were we sleeping in my house?
yes, we were
no, we werent

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2009

my opinion of the movie

MOVIE: Shawshank redemption

DIRECTOR:Frank Darabont

This story begins when Andy Dufrense rioja blame for the death of his wife and her lover, was sentenced to life in Shawshank prison, where Andy goes to prison has to live a completely different world to which he was accustomed to living situations as homosexuality, theft, drug trafficking, trafficking in alcohol, weapons. In an environment where maintaining a consistent way based on the laws of the Bible, the warden was a religious man and very hard so the prison was a reflection of it, thanks to Andy principles could keep a good relationship with the warden and the guards of the same, but it does cause problems with the inmates of the prison because they thought that Andy could do part of their world should think and act like them But not all was bad for Andy because he met a person who helped him as he passed his time in prison his name was Red, carrying more than 20 years in prison for this reason Red was well known as a prisoner drove the market from prison and was very important to Andy withstand years of imprisonment.

My opinion about this movie is based on the social conditions of the prison, which we see reflected in attitudes and disrespect for the rights of people who are in prison, there were no ethical values among the inmates of the prison, there were situations sexual violence, abuse of authority, conflicts among prisoners for this reason I think the film shows a reality of today's world we can not set aside because it is a clear demonstration of rioja that has become the society, For this reason I think the important issue that covers the film.

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2009

adverbs of frecuency

adeverbs the frequency and pocision in the sentence :
adverbs such frequency to describe the action takes place. these adverbs precede any other than the verb to be (in this case will then adeverbs).

some of the adverbs of frequency are: never, rarely, sometimes, often, always.
Put advervios rules for the frequency:

1.Annexes adverbs are placed after the verb normal.
2.The adverbs are placed after veerbo to be.
3.The adverbs are placed after the auxiliary.


- He never buys expensive clothes.
-She rarely goes to the cinema.
-I often fall asleep on the sofa.
-I always have a shower first thing in the morning.
-I´m never late.
-I can rarely get away.
-He sometimes wrong.
-She is often right.
-I have always got time for you.
-I usually kiss my boyfriend.
-He is always worry about the exams .
-He never does his work in his house.
-She rarely works on sunday.
-we are seldom dreaming or goinq to Europe.
-He always eats every half hour.